Sacred Feminine Spirituality

leave_it_to_me426x526-150dpi copySacred Feminine Spirituality Circle

In this eight week gathering, you will have an opportunity to learn 9 Sacred Feminine Principles as found in my book, Blessings From Mary, that will assist you in deepening your emotional and spiritual intelligence. There is a 4 step prayer and meditation practice that you will also learn and this can be used on its own or included to enhance and already established prayer and meditation practice. We will share our stories, witness each other in a shame free container, embrace our ancestry and welcome healing through a deep, rich connection with the Sacred Feminine Energy arising all around us. In this circle, we also learn practical communication skills to lovingly navigate conflict and deepen intimacy, use movement as a form of full expression and release and develop our own inherent archetypal tools and practices to enrich our lives and relationships.


Principles of Sacred Feminine Spirituality

In this e-course, you will have an opportunity to learn 9 Sacred Feminine Principles to assist you in deepening your emotional and spiritual intelligence. There is also a 4 step prayer and meditation practice that you will learn to add to, enhance or become own prayer and meditation practice. Intention is the beginning of manifesting and creating the life you desire. Prayer and meditation offer the guidance to put those intentions into action.

This e-course is a confidential and rare opportunity to partner with someone to create a sacred initiation for you to impact any area of your life and transition you on the fast track to a break thru and new enlightened state. Together we explore the physical emotional, spiritual, relational and financial realms as you answer the calling from within. There are limited spaces available. Sign up and begin this journey today!

Sacred Feminine Spirituality

Four Step Prayer and Meditation Practice


JourneyDance™ is a movement modality that moves us through deep, personal exploration into a loving, intimate relationship with body, mind, self and others. This sensual and exhilarating union of dance, visualization, and ritual calls us to get authentic, funky and connection with Divine energy.

In a shame free, ritual container, we are guided through songs and movements that bring us home to ourselves and allow us to “tell our story to the dance floor” in a way that empowers, heals and enlivens. As a JourneyDance™ apprentice, Sally is able to guide with heart, spirit and emotion in the most safe environment available.
JourneyDance™ is a transformational experience that does not require any previous movement or dance experience. Travel this sacred and provocative journey, feel bliss, and express ourselves as soul.