Shadow Work® weekends, coaching and teaching is a personal growth process developed and owned by Cliff Barry and Vicki Woodard. In learning shame-free and participate driven facilitation, trained Shadow Workers are able to create a deep sense of safety to explore unresolved beliefs that get in the way of living a life in full expression and joy. Using archetypal energies allows for a genuine and honest transformation and provides ongoing tools and practices to integrate the changes.
Series and Class
In this ShadowWork Series and class we explore the four archetypal energies that we all carry within, developing tools and practices that keep these energies accessible and vibrant.
In honestly exploring our own shadows, we discover, honor and reclaim the gold within them. We free energies for full self-expression, authentic connection with others and the passion to follow our heart’s desires. Check for Fall 2014 class schedule.
Shadow Work Workshop
This is our premier offering related to Shadow Work and offer women an opportunity to create a shame-free, ritual space to deeply explore the energies we hide, repress and deny. In being witnessed and witnessing our unique stories and experiences, we transform what keeps us separate into what connects us spiritually, emotionally and physically. During the weekend, you are invited to participate in a variety of activities that explore our inner landscapes and bring the tools from each archetype into our daily lives. Fall 2014 Workshop is September 19-21st. This is non-residential.
Learn Your Shadow Types
Self-knowledge avails us nothing without the intent for transformation, for service and for a healing empowerment. Learning about ourselves without criticism, blame and expectation teaches us to love all of who we are and our unique ways of interacting in the world. We learn to appreciate and honor our strengths and see those areas of challenges and weakness with kindness and care. With the Shadow Type Survey, and a Shadow Coaches’ guidance, we come to appreciate our individual blueprint in the world and how to love and accept ourselves as we are.
Authentic Communication; Initiation into Intimacy
This is one of several ECOURSES designed to increase intimacy in our lives. Communication is essential in our lives; both as a way to acknowledge what is happening within our own selves and a way to keep the connection between those we are in relationship with and love. Sometimes a conversation is the difference between deepening connection and the ending of connection. Learning how to identify what we are feeling and developing emotional intelligence, what actually happened and what we make up about another’s actions is essential in maintaining clarity and loving attachment with another human being. This course is a necessity for learning empowering and loving expression communication that guides us into authentic intimacy.