Summer Solstice Gathering

Summer Solstice Gathering for activation and visioning

Honoring the summer solstice can remind us of the preciousness of each moment as the days will now shorten in light. In doing so we honor the seasons in our own lives. Summer Solstice is a heightened energy time for acknowledging the longest light in the year and the potency of our own energy to manifest miracles. We know that there is time and season for all: a time of going within, a time for quiet, a time for darkness, a time for reaping our harvest, a time for anchoring our own wisdom and for honoring the fullness of our deepest desires and gratitudes.

When: June 13th
Where: NiaMoves, 508 Pecore
Houston, TX. 77009
Time: 6:30-8:00 pm
Cost: Love offering of
$32.00 to cover cost

Snacks provided, Circle check-in, movement, music, gratitude/vision board and more.
Materials provided. Pre-registration required
RSVP: Sally Bartolameolli, 713-906-9808, Email:

Summer Solstice Gathering


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